Molly Spomer was previously a patient at West Springs and now is a valued staff member at the Hospital. She posts regularly about life and dealing with mental illness from her insider perspective.
Honestly, I have struggled to come up with an article to be inspirational or influential at the least. Unfortunately, it has been tough believing my own words of encouragement so, I develop writers block and try to come up with other topics. I have still been at a loss so I figured this is what I needed to write about.
Times have been rough on so many people, and we always tell ourselves that it could be worse – which is true. Although on the other end, we are allowed to feel what we do without comparing to other situations. We are each allowed to say “enough is enough” if we feel it’s time to walk away or whether we need to persevere. Even though I have struggled so much lately, I have learned I am allowed to feel. I am allowed to say “I am not okay” and for that to be okay. In a way, saying to myself “it could be worse” has made me feel worse. Not particularly because of the situation that I may be facing, but myself as a person I start to think, “I shouldn’t be upset because of a, b, or c.” or “How dare I feel that way when x, y and z is happening to so-and-so.”
This has been such a habit that I have shut down. I have had a voice but I hardly used it, and still have struggles with it now and then.
The truth is – it could be worse. The hardest truth is that it’s up to us to make it better.
– Molly